Plant Care - Instructions Tips and Guides. The basics of plant care relate to growing medium, water, light, fertilizer and temperature. Caring for plants involves creating appropriate conditions that in general will mimic the natural environment. Pruning and pest control are two other aspects of plant care particularly relevant for garden, potted and indoor plants.
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Plant Care - Instructions Tips and Guides for growing and caring for plants.


Plant Care Basics

Soil and potting mix for plants

Plants require a growing medium that will provide a few basic elements essential for proper plant care.

  • drainage
    It is essential to provide appropriate levels of drainage for individual plant species. Differenr growing mediums have different drainage properties. Succulents and many Orchids require a free draining soil or potting mix, while plants such as Rodgersia require a much damper situation and thrive in a waterside planting.
  • nutrition
    Different plants have different types of minerals and trace elenets in the soil to promote growth and so require a range of fertilizer requirements for proper care, specialist fertilizers are available roses, rhododenrons, fruit trees and many other plants that provide for different needs.
  • support
    Soil and potting mix also provide support for plants by encouraging root growth.

Moisture humidity and water.

  • Again requirements differ. Some plants require regular watering, other resent watering. Tropical plants require increased humidity.


  • Fitting in with the humidity factor, temperature can be important for proper plant care. Growing tropical or sub tropical plants may require a green house. Cold loving Alpine plants will not survive in hot dry climates.


  • Differant plants require diferent amounts and types of light. Proper car involves providing the appropriate amount and quality of light. Ferns are generallt shade lovers, many bulbs require direct sun, others prefer part shade.



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