Wholesale Buddleja for sale in the USA

Buddleja species and cultivars are also known as the ‘Butterfly bush’ many varieties are well suited to garden use.

The most commonly grown species is B.davidii and recently some dwarf cultivars have been released which will reach around 3 ft (1m) in height. Generally hardy down to zones 5 – 6, however even in these areas they will die back in winter.


Attractive to hummingbirds, bees and of course butterflies Buddleias come in many cultivars, mostly B.daviddii, however others are included such as :

  • Buddleja alternifolia is known as the fountain butterfly bush, a natural arching habit.
  • Buddleja crispa is the Himalayan butterfly bush, very different foliage, soft and velvety.
  • Dwarf varieties are also available.

Buddleja are available for sale from the following wholesale growers

5027 Hwy 147 Waverly, AL 36879
phone: 334/864-7500
Abelia, Ampelopsis, Buddleia, Callicarpa, Calycanthus, Cephlotaxus, Chaenomeles, Clethra, Clerodendron, Decumaria, Ferns, Exochorda, Forsythia, Fothergilla, Gardenia, Hibiscus syriacus, Hydrangea, Itea, Kerria japonica, Winter Jasmine, Lagerstroemia, Leucothoe, Lonicera, Michelia figo, Philadelphus, Prunus, Flowering Pomegranate, Antique Roses Viburnum, Weigelia and others
Web www.greenehill.com

38325 Pepperweed Road Squaw Valley, CA 93675
phone 559 338 2775