Mericlone Orchids

The question is often asked, What is a Mericlone Orchid ?

Simply put, a mericlone Orchids are vegetative clones of hybrid orchids. Technically they should be the same as the parent plant. However as they are grown from meriistematic tissue, mutations can occur, sometimes.

Mericlone orchids should be exactly the same as the parent plant. Orchid breeders use this process when they have bred an orchid that they believe has sufficient merit to go to the trouble and expense of cloning though the tissue culture process.

Why do Mericlones cost more ?

Mericlone Orchids can tend to be more expensive than other orchids, however you know what you are getting.

Look for Mericlone Orchids that are advertised as ‘near blooming size’ if you are after a plant that will flower within a year or two.

Blooming size plants cost more, seedlings are cheaper and flask of cloned material is really cheap.

Mericlone Care

As for care of Mericlones, it is the same as for the species that it is cloned from. Simple a that.